Using family rules
- How to set family rules through discussion with each member of the family to help everyone get along.
Family rules aim to help everyone in the family get along better. Creating family rules can be a powerful way to help your children understand how you would like everyone in the family to treat each other.
Children that are involved in creating the family rules will feel they have had a say in the process. They will be more willing to follow them.
Discussing family rules gives children the opportunity to practise voicing their own opinions. Parents will also be able to role model how to share ideas calmly.
Making good family rules involves guiding your child’s behaviour in a clear, specific and positive way. You say exactly what behaviour you want to see. For example, ‘We speak to each other politely, like saying “please” when we ask for something’. Or ‘we use indoor voices inside the house’.
Creating family rules together won’t stop children (and parents!) from breaking these rules! When that happens, you can choose to remind them about the rules and to give them another chance. In some situations, it might be necessary to give your children an immediate consequence for breaking the rules.
It is helpful to talk with your children about the consequences of breaking the family rules from the start. If your children understand and agree about what will happen when they break the family rules, it may be easier for them to accept the consequences when they are given. Check our topic on limits and consequences.
It can be tempting to introduce many rules at once but this can be overwhelming for children. It also makes it very hard for parents to be consistent. Choose your top three rules and work on ONE at a time. For rules to work in the long run, you also need to notice and praise your children for sticking to them. Check our topic on praise and rewards.
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